Various national government agencies, Iloilo Provincial Government offices, and Migrants Association members were present at the recently concluded Iloilo Provincial Overseas Filipinos Migration and Development Committee (IPOFMDCOM) meeting held on December 7, 2023, at the Governor’s Board Room.
Vice Governor Christine S. Garin, co-chairperson, presided over the meeting that was attended by 25 members which aimed to consolidate the different programs and services for OFWs and their families.
The meeting was facilitated by Provincial PESO Supervising Labor and Employment Officer, Cynthia P. Dario, through the PESO-Overseas Filipinos Migration and Development Center (OFMDC).
Moreover, the discussion focused on the following agenda: Presentation of Provincial Ordinance 2023-305 authored by Vice Gov. Garin, granting scholarships to the children of OFWs in crises, Tripartite MOA (IPG, ATIKHA, and OWWA) for the organization of OFWs and their families, and updates on programs and services from the agencies.
Provincial Administrator, Dr. Raul N. Banias gave his message and commended PESO-OFMDC as the frontline office that manages the programs and services for Ilonggo migrants and their families.
Dr. Banias expressed his support for Provincial Ordinance 2023-305 hoping for its expansion and emphasized the need to focus on human capital and education.
In addition, each committee member gave updates on their programs and services, fostering collaboration among the concerned offices and agencies to provide quality services to the OFWs and their families.
Provincial PESO Manager, Mr. Heler expressed his appreciation for their presence and support, and he highlighted the contributions they made that resulted in the committee meeting’s fruitful discussions and results. This endeavour provides strategic direction on employment, migration, and development concerns thereby attaining the vision of MoRPRoGRes – Movement for a Robust, Progressive, Globally Competitive, and Resilient Province of Iloilo, a development mantra of the Governor Arthur R. Defensor, Jr.