The three-day Public Utilities Round Table Discussion spearheaded by Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions (LEDIP) Office and Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) started today with representatives from the power sector in attendance.
Gov. Arthur Defensor, Jr. welcomed the participants and he expressed hopes that the information that they will share during the activity will contribute to his administration’s thrust to establish growth corridors in different areas of the province.
The Iloilo Provincial Government is pursuing the development of its economic growth corridors to fast track the province economic recovery coined as the Movement for Resurgent, Progressive, Globally-competitive and Resilient (MoReProGRes) Province of Iloilo.
Present were the general managers of ILECO I, ILECO II and ILECO III, representatives from MORE Electric and Power Corp., Palm Concepcion Power Corp. and Global Business Power Corp.
Tomorrow (August 10), participants will come from the Water Supply sector and on the last day (August 11) the participants will come from the Telecommunication sector.
This activity, held at the conference room of National Museum of the Philippines Western Visayas, will serve as a venue for utility companies with facilities in Iloilo to present their current positions and direction for the next three years for the province including any expansion plans that may complement and align with the province’s economic direction.
The results from roundtable discussions will be collated and followed by a one-day Symposium to present the results of the discussion to different stakeholders, especially to potential investors and real estate developers to be scheduled in the last quarter of 2022.